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170-935 Tons Clamping Force



170-935 Tons-

Product Line

RoboShot  275, 330
MAGNA MTG 170 ,225, 310, 450
PowerLine NT 
Maxima MM 310WP, 450, 550, 580WP, 725,950WP               



275, 330 Tons

(Click each tonnage to see PDF spec sheet) 

The Milacron ROBOSHOT S2000I-B Series reduces energy consumption by 50 to 80% with repeatable and precise cycles that are 5 to 50% faster compared with hydraulic machines. It is the Energy Saving "GREEN" machine that has zero cost for oil supply, filtration or disposal. There is no deviation due to oil viscosity, oil compressibility, or drifting valve action time.

Optimize your process for highest part productivity, part quality and operational profitability with ROBOSHOT's wide range of clamp and injection units.



Download the Roboshot PDF Brochure


 Download the Magna MTG PDF Brochure




170 ,225, 310, 450 Tons

(Click each tonnage to see PDF spec sheet)

The Cincinnati Milacron Magna MTG Series
Accurate, Reliable & Productive

The Magna MTG Series of toggle injection molding machines gives you capacity, performance, versatility, accuracy and durability for every molding advantage.The Magna MTG Series was designed with customer needs in and complexity and costs out: the Magna MTG speeds changeovers, shortens cycle times, and expands mold area within a compact, space-saving machine footprint.




2-Platen Injection Molding Machines
310WP, 450, 550, 580WP, 725, 950WP

(Click each tonnage to see PDF spec sheet) 
The MAXIMA MM Series
Maximized for Large Part Production

Milacron MAXIMA MM Series hydraulic injection molding machines bring you large part production in a reduced footprint, using 10% to 20% less floor space than comparable machines. MAXIMA MM's efficient use of floor space brings more profit per square foot.

MAXIMA MM hydraulic injection molding machines can be configured for various applications by combining a large range of clamp and injection units with a selection of optional pumping packages. Realize the benefits of configuring a machine that is perfectly suited to your production requirements. Optimize your process for highest part productivity, part quality and operational profitability.




Download the Powerline PDF Brochure



  Download the Maxima MM PDF Brochure



All Electric Injection Molding Machines

440, 550, 750, 935, 1125 

(Click each tonnage to see PDF spec sheet)

Efficiencies and Energy Savings from All Electric

Cincinnati Milacron POWERLINE All-Electric injection molding machines give energy savings from 50-80% and optimize your process for the highest part productivity, quality and operational profitability.

POWERLINE All-Electric injection molding machines offers only clean, quiet, environmentally friendly injection molding, configured to suit production requirements and applications by combining a large range of clamp and injection units.